
Supporting you in every phase of publishing

Get perfect editing support with Proofreadings English-language editing and proofreading services. With 2000+ professional editors from over 1200 subject areas, we have experts for every manuscript type, including research papers, review papers, thesis, dissertations, grant writing and figures development.

Premium Editing

Top- level premium language editing for natural and correct English by expert in your field, unlimited re-editing at no additional charges, 20% discount on figure and formatting services

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Advanced Editing

Language editing for natural and correct English by expert in your field, 50% discount on re-editing 15% discount on figure and formatting services

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Standard Editing

Language editing for natural and correct English by expert in your field, 20% discount on re-editing

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English Editing

At Proofreadings, English editing and proofreading services refine and perfectly shape your manuscript for publication

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Thesis editing

Qualified editors provide services for thesis editing, translation, formatting and referencing

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Translation of your manuscript from your native language into publication quality English

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Books/Chapter editing services

Experts provide services editing, translation and assist in books/chapter publication

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Manuscript formatting according to your target journal requirements

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Grant writing

Boost your chances of securing funding with a persuasive research grant proposal written by Proofreadings team of expert grant writers, consultants and editors

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Figures preparation

Illustration of your data, graphical abstract and visually appealing figure and tables

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Plagiarism check

To avoid such situations, we provides Plagiarism Check service that helps you identify areas in your manuscript that might be flagged as plagiarism

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Journal recommendation

Detailed information on 3 target journals

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